Learn How To Gain An Unfair Advantage In Your Market With "Subject-To" Investing

Yes! I'm ready to convert low equity deals into cash flowing monsters, close more deals without going broke in the process, and build long-term wealth without the headaches of traditional landlording!

I Understand That When I Act Now,
I get instant access to "Subject-To Investing for Newbies", which includes:

  • How to Gain More Confidence in Creative Deal Structuring
  • How to Quickly Turn Your Dead Leads Into Profits
  • How to Talk to Sellers About Subject-To
  • How to Effortlessly Close On A Subject-To Deal in Days, Not Weeks!
  • How to STOP Worrying About How You're Going To Fund Your Next Deal
  • How to Cut Your Time to Escape The Rat Race (a.k.a. YOUR JOB) In Half!

I Also Understand that When
 I ACT NOW, I Also Get...

  • 5-Step Process for Closing Deals Without the A Title Company or Closing Attorney
  • An extremely reduced price!
  • Access to my private Facebook Group!

What is covered in this course?

  • 1

    Welcome to Your Sub2 Empire Course

    • A message from the instructor

  • 2

    Module 1 - Introduction

    • Introduction - Jeff Coffman

    • Introduction Quick Reference

  • 3

    Module 2 - What is Subject To Investing?

    • What is Subject To Investing?

    • Module 2 Quick Reference

  • 4

    Module 3 - Why You Need To Know How To Structure Sub2 Deals

    • Why You Need to Know How to Structure Sub2 Deals

    • Module 3 Quick Reference

  • 5

    Module 4 - Marketing

    • Marketing

    • Module 4 Quick Reference

  • 6

    Module 5 - Assessing Deals

    • Assessing Deals / Deal Criteria

    • Module 5 Quick Reference

  • 7

    Module 6 - The Process of Buying "Subject To"

    • Trusts vs. LLCs - Part 1

    • Trusts vs. LLC - Part 2 (LLC Method Overview)

    • The LLC Method

    • Tursts vs. LLC - Part 3 (Trust Method Overview)

    • The Trust Method

    • Module 6 Quick Reference

  • 8

    Module 7 - Talking to Sellers

    • Talking to Sellers

    • Common Seller Objections

    • Module 7 Quick Reference

  • 9

    Module 8 - Calculating Deal Profitability

    • Deal Profitability Calculation

    • Deal Profitability Calculator

  • 10

    Module 9 - Purchase Side Deal Flow

    • The Five Phases of the Buying Process

    • Purchasing a Sub2 Deal with a Trust

    • Purchasing a Sub2 Deal with an LLC

    • Insuring Properties Purchased "Subject To"

    • Subject To Document Library + Buy Side Deal Flow

    • Module 9 Quick Reference

  • 11

    Module 10 - Exit Strategies

    • Exit Strategies

    • Module 10 Quick Reference

Best Course Out of MANY!!!

by Michael Hornes

Jeff Coffman is a great teacher and delivers his course in a simple easy to follow format. I have purchased a lot of courses in the last 5 years and I need to put his in the Top 3. If you name it, I probably own it. He's humble, informative and believes in overdelivering. How do I know this....GET THE COURSE....You'll See.... The Jedi Investor, D.C.

100% Guaranteed

If Subject-To Investing for Newbies doesn't show me exactly how to convert low equity deals into cash flowing monsters... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step to close more deals without going broke in the process... or if it fails to help me build long-term wealth without the headaches of traditional landlording, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!

I understand that the regular price for all this is $997...

But, when I act now, I'm giving the first 100 people who sign up a HUGE promotional discount of 40% off as part of my initial launch of this course. After the first 100, the price will increase to it's retail price point., I get everything for only $397!

To Your Success,

 Jeff Coffman


P.S. - Every minute you wait to get “Subject-To Investing for Newbies” is another minute that deals pass you buy. You will never find a more comprehensive course for doing Subject-To deals. This offer will expire if you don't take action NOW! Put the power of “Subject-To Investing for Newbies” to work for you so you can quickly and easily convert low equity deals into cash flowing monsters, close more deals without going broke in the process, and build long-term wealth without the headaches of traditional landlording!

P.P.S. - But don't just take my word for it... 

...take a look at these testimonials from happy Real Estate Investors and Wholesalers just like you!